
Terms and Conditons

Welcome to Cheap PC Games. These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our website, By accessing or using our Online Store, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you are using the store on behalf of a third party, ensure you have the authority to bind them to these terms.


  • Account: Your profile on used to access our services.
  • Add-On Keys: Additional digital content or features for a Program.
  • Agreement & Terms and Conditions: The rules, policies, and agreements governing your use of our website and services.
  • Buyer: An individual purchasing Programs through our Online Store.
  • Digital Key: A code required to activate a Program following payment.
  • Offline Activation: Accessing a Program without an internet connection.
  • Confirmation Order: A receipt confirming the details of your purchase.
  • Content: Materials available on our website, including user submissions.
  • Online Store: The platform provided by Cheap PC Games at
  • Privacy Policy: The guidelines outlining how we handle your personal data.
  • Program: Digital games or services available for purchase through our store.
  • Program Price: The total amount charged for purchasing a Program.
  • Service: The online and offline support offered by Cheap PC Games.

About Cheap PC Games and Our Online Store:

Cheap PC Games offers a range of digital Programs through our website. Transactions are facilitated without additional fees. We may offer special promotions from time to time, which are subject to change.

Changes to Terms and Conditions:

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Users should review the terms regularly. Continued use of the Online Store after changes implies acceptance of the new terms.

Eligibility, Account Registration, and Security Checks:

To access our services, you must create an account with unique login credentials. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account information.

User Conduct and Restrictions:

Programs purchased from our Online Store are delivered electronically. Ownership rights are not transferred post-purchase. Users must comply with our conduct guidelines, or restrictions may be applied.

Payments and Refund Policy:

Buyers are required to pay the Program Price upfront. Refunds are discretionary and will be considered based on eligibility criteria within 7 days of delivery.


Pre-orders for Programs can be made; however, delivery dates are subject to change, and price adjustments may occur post-purchase.

Email Communications:

You may receive electronic communications from Cheap PC Games regarding your purchases or updates to our services. Opt-out options are provided in our emails.


You may discontinue using our services at any time by requesting account deletion via email.


  • Governing Law: Any disputes arising under these Terms and Conditions will be governed by and resolved under the laws of India.
  • Severability: If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.
  • Assignability: Cheap PC Games may assign or delegate its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy to any person or entity at any time. You may not assign or delegate your rights or obligations without prior written consent from Cheap PC Games, and any unauthorized assignments will be deemed null and void.
  • Notices to Users: Communications will be sent electronically to the email address associated with your account.

By using our Online Store, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
